Monday, March 2, 2009


Local anaestehsia provide excellent preoperative anaesthesia and analgesia.
Local anaestehsia is defimed as the reversible loss of sensation to a restricted region of the body.
It is caused by the blockage of sensory nerve endings and conduction block
Spinal and epidural anaesthesia
1. Minimizes the stress
2. Provides both pre and post operative analgesic
3. reduce bleeding
4. effective muscle relaxation
5. safe recovery
6. Cheaper
Contra indication
1. sepsis at the size of injection
2. bleeding disorders
3. anticoagulant theraphy
4. hypovolaemia
5. hypertension
6. previous spinal injury
7. systemic sepsis
preoperative assessment
1. patient should be free from spinal abnormalities eg. Hyposcoliosis, skin incision etc
2. evaluation of coagulopathy and anticoagulopathy theraphy
3. informed consent

1. Rapid intravenous infusion of saline
2. monitor the pulse, NIBP, heart rate and SPO2
1. proper scrubbing of hands
2. gloves must be sterile
3. paintaing of skin with antibiotic should be done
1. seated position

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